Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Here We Go

Hey everybody!  So I wanted to be sure and post a blog before we leave for our first community! Tonight we are heading to a town to fellowship with them and then tomorrow morning we head off to visit a remote church to serve the children with a vacation bible school. This church was been wanting people to come out and visit for FOUR years and no plans have come through. So no one hesitated when we were asked if we wanted to end training early and head out there to help! We may be putting on a VBS and have a blast with the kiddos but we are there for more.  We've been talking all week how our goal as a team, and the goal of Experience Mission is to go into communities and mutually give and receive. We want to work side by side getting to know the people and what they need not what we think they need. It's this whole idea that can get lost in missions. As time conscious Americans, we can trump the spirit of a place by going in with our ideas, our perceptions and allow our wealth to creat this hierarchy. This team aims to work shoulder to shoulder to assist these people better their own community while showing them the incredible love of Christ.  Then after we spend a few days at this church we are heading out to a different community where we will be camping out at a Navajo Reservation Tent Revival. We are STOKED! This will be a crazy experience as we sleep out on the ground and everyday watch people come in to praise God and hear His stories. I've never been apart of a tent revival and I am so excited to get to meet people and hear their stories!  Backing up a little, I want to talk a bit about my last few days here. Training has consisted of many sessions of challenging thinking, beautiful testimonies and growth! I have really loved it and feel so blessed to be here. My teammates are all so great and have made this feel just so comfortable. They are some amazing people who I have a lot to learn from! I have been stretched already and I cannot wait to see what all God has planned but I desire to just take everything day by day and just be.  Thank you all again for helping me get here! It's an awesome experience already and I just feel like I should be pinched! Please continue to pray for me and my teammates, as well as, the communities we are entering. I don't know when I'll get to blog again but I am super excited to tell the stories of what we encounter! 

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